Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Tonight I’ll be talking about one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. Talking about McMurphy and nurse ratchet in respect to their relationship between one other. How they struggle in their race and fight for power for the other patients in the ward and the hospital in general. Ill demonstrate this point by examples from the book itself and connecting to world through the united states of American federal elections that are currently under way. Sorry that I’m using this example again, it’s just a really good example for the book and the dynamics between nurse ratchet and McMurphy. As for a personal experience that i can also rumble about, I guess I can reach way back to my cadet days and relate to the officers and the power struggle between them to control the cadets and other lower ranking officer in the squad.
As for the book that I’m sure you all read as some pretty good examples of their power struggle, and I’m sure you got one or two of them in your head right now. Yes the repeated breaking of the nurses’ station window, is the clearest and best example of McMurphy threat or challenge to her power and the power over the other patients. With ken Kelsey literally demonstrating nurse ratchet almost un-see able control over all the patients and staff except McMurphy by a window. Then McMurphy breaking it showing his challenge to nurse ratchets power, making a remark about how clear it was he almost! Didn't see it there. Forcing her hand nurse ratchet has to back down and retreat, letting McMurphy win this round instilling a false convenience allowing him to organize a fishing trip that he, candy a hooker not an aunt!, the doctor and the other patients go on. In conclusion ken Kelsey is setting McMurphy up for a beating by the combine.
For my world example I’m a comparing Romney as ratchet minus the big boobs and McMurphy as Obama without the red hair. Romney is weird backwards old school republican aligning himself with the crazy rednecks of America or the “combine” much like nurse ratchet in her was. Obama is a semi old school America but whose trying to change and better America like McMurphy who is normal enough to to squeeze by the combine all those years and now is trying to help the other patients in his only weird way. Romney uses scare tactics to sway voters into changing their minds like nurse ratchet uses her silence plus cold face and newspaper clipping to scare the patients into changing their mind. Obama uses a much one laid back approach but simply smooth talking his way in to votes like McMurphy smooth talks the other patient into voting to watch the word series or going on the fishing trip.
As for myself I guess back when I used to attend cadets I remember the officers trying to persuade the cadets to join there group or event, in order to get the go ahead their event or to rank first with their hand picked group. Some would smooth talk you offering perks to you or your hard work others with scare you into it saying that you might get to go at all or you might be out in the last group and rushed through. I guess in the end we all want power to some degree/or reason and use different ways to obtain it whether it through scaring people or persuading them or even flat out manipulation.